Source Marketing Direct: Become a better public speaker by avoiding these habits

  • AUTHOR: Guest
  • 29th November 2015
Source Marketing Direct: Become a better public speaker by avoiding these habits

Source Marketing Direct believes entrepreneurs have to master public speaking to be a success within business. The firm outlines the top 5 habits to avoid when public speaking.

Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Source Marketing Direct, Hector Montalvo is a regular public and motivational speaker. He is regularly found speaking a prestigious UK and European conferences and seminars within the direct marketing industry. In the last few months, the entrepreneur has been a guest speaker at many industry events up and down the country to share his insights and advice with the next generation of leaders within the sales and direct marketing industry. Highlights included speaking at the Guoman Hotel in London on Wednesday 9th September and the Manchester’s Emirates, Old Trafford on 10th of September, a networking event in Newcastle in October and the Aloft Hotel Leadership event in Liverpool on November 21st. The public speaking arrangements were delivered to representatives and business owners of one of the firm’s major marketing campaigns to discuss sales and quality.

In addition to delivering motivation talks to vast numbers of representatives within the sales and direct marketing industry, Hector Montalvo of Source Marketing Direct provides advice and guidance on how to master successful public speaking. In a recent online article (, 12 Public Speaking Habits to Avoid at all Costs, 5th November 2015) 12 habits were revealed that should be avoided when public speak to both large and small numbers of people. Source Marketing Direct select their top 5 habits to avoid and highlight them below.

1. Not tailoring the message to your audience – To avoid this, ask yourself: ‘Who is my audience? What are their burning issues? How does my message help them? How much do they know about my topic? What will I ask them to do in response to my message?’

2. Not creating a powerful opening – So, open with a bang.
 Invest the thought, time, and effort to craft and memorise the most important part of the delivery

3. Not rehearsing – this results in the audience seeing and hearing an unrefined run-through, versus the finessed final performance. Rehearsing will optimize the audience’s perception of the speaker. When practicing, perform the entire presentation aloud at least once, and the opening and closing at least three times

4. Having low energy – Enthusiasm, is an audience’s most desired trait in a presenter. Conversely, a boring delivery — evidenced by a low monotone voice, dull facial expressions, and overall lethargy — is their most disliked trait.

5. Reading from slides – Use slides as visual signposts for the points being made, rather than a written version or summary of those points

Source Marketing Direct is a London based sales and event marketing firm that offers solutions which help to bridge the gap between brands and their consumers. The firm utilise customer centric strategies to help their clients’ deliver a highly personalised customer experience.